Food supplements
Coat, mane, general care
Insect repellants
Hoof care
Care products
Your horses health and well being is a priority if you have landed on this page.
Maybe your veterinarian has made some suggestions, maybe you are looking for a new care product or simply a healthy treat. In this section, you will find an array of products for coat and mane care, as well as insect and fly repellants, and shampoos.We provide a wide range of general health products that comply to anti-doping requirements: vitamins and food supplements for problems relating among other to recovery, muscle building, joints, behavior, digestion, ulcers and general vitamin needs.
A very comprehensive offer of hoof ointments and oils are available.
Add to this some basic first aid products that are a must-have in your yard and some healthy treats that contain as little sugar and starch as possible.Some of our brands in this section include: Julian&Jones, Ungula Naturalis, NAF, Frenzy, Gumbits, Bit Butter, Insect Free.